Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It's all you need ♥

I have very recently discovered that out of all subjects to photograph, couples are by far my favorite. Their enthusiasm for each other energizes me more than a stack of krispy kremes. I know it sounds like I am making this up, but seriously - few things in life bring me the happiness that capturing love on film does.
In this day and age, love stories are thrown on the same shelf as Alice in Wonderland, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. No one believes in love anymore. I, on the other hand, do. I've always felt that my husband and I have something in common with an elderly couple who've been married for 60 years. We met when we were sixteen, and have been diggin' on each other ever since. Photographing proof of true love brings me overwhelming satisfaction. Its my way of shouting "See! See! Hookah smoking caterpillars DO exist! And they're AWESOME!"

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happiness is a warm... baby!

Last Saturday, I did my first two baby sessions. The babies were absolutely adorable and absolutely uncooperative.
I woke up that morning with my mind overflowing with ideas for poses. I learned really fast that if a baby does not want to stay still, he most definitely will not. I couldn't say "Ok, now look up at the camera and give me a little smile!" or "Would you mind sucking your thumb with a little less drool for this next shot?" I learned very fast to relax, appreciate and capture what comes naturally. Once I did that, I got some really cool shots that I am quite proud of.
Above: My first reaction was to stress about Oliver's distaste for modeling. I'm so glad I just went with it, because it resulted with this great photo.
 Above: All Parker wanted to do was wiggle free from his Dad's cammies. I think this picture looks like he's flexing his guns! Cute :) Lesson for the day: When you just go with the flow, it all works out for the best.

First photoshoot! With real live strangers!

 Julia responded to an add I posted on facebook for a free photo shoot. She met me in what I call abandoned downtown Jacksonville. Most of the people who live in this run down military town gravitate toward the mall, or toward walmart. Abandoned downtown Jacksonville is a fabulous area full of brick roads, and vacant bright red distressed brick buildings. I don't even think most people know this place exists. ANYWAY. Great place for photos. Julia and her husband met me there at 9:00am, and we took pictures for about an hour. Probably the most fun I'd had in months. Aside from the fact that my camera was on the wrong setting, causing my pictures to be a little fuzzier than I'd like, the pictures turned out great. I posted a new free photoshoot add on facebook that night, with my new awesome pictures.  Within just a few hours I was completely booked for every weekend in July.

Above: One of my favorites from the Julia photoshoot. Check out my FB for more.

Mandy, meet Nikon. Nikon, meet Mandy.

I have been an artist for as long as I can remember. From the moment I could steadily hold a crayon, I have been doodling on every surface within arms reach. I have always considered myself to be a creator. I've sewn my own clothes, and designed outfits for my friends, I've decorated homes, I've drawn and painted portraits. It was not until Christmas of 2009 that I discovered my love for photography.
    My husband was deployed to Afghanistan last holiday season. We were on one of our sacred 20 minute, 2am phone calls when he asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I wanted to tell him that I wanted HIM to come home to me for Christmas, but that wish obviously could not be granted. Then I casually mentioned that my little pink digital camera was broken, so maybe a new camera would be ok.
    Two weeks after Christmas I received a big brown box from Best Buy. Nestled inside all those layers of cardboard and Styrofoam was a creative outlet that would forever change the way I look at the world. It was not just any camera. It was a Nikon D5000. A big fat DLSR camera, with a big fat interchangeable lens. I immediately began taking pictures of everything, everything, everything.
    Six months and lots of camera studying later, I booked my first client...
Above: One of the first pictures I took of my three year old niece, Lilly.